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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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we're in a recession. or depression or an unemployment crisis but either way our friends in government aren't letting this crisis go to waste at all they're busy regulating people out of business raising taxes and prison off the rest of the world take negative neo-con nancy delivered joins me tonight and will explain how to get a date while deployed to afghanistan while ben acts from colorado drugs to explain how to do the impossible that is run a marijuana dispensary without getting busted by the backstabber and she's willing elsom is going to jail for pot the government is giving that gay people extra money signing is calling the united states out spending too much money on the military
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they have us in syria and if we don't start printing more money by august second the world is coming to an end today we start the countdown to the end of america as we know it only out on versus the man. you may have been hearing some frightening talk from washington d.c. lately which really means that they're just getting really good at what they always do which is steer you into wetting yourself then passing legislation that gives all your money to friends of government well you're not looking this time it's the debt ceiling and the deficit and the budget. for all the convoluted fear mongering so to you the simple. the feds borrow forty something cents out of every dollar they
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spend and spend a lot more than they take in that's the deficit it adds up that's the debt which is now over fourteen trillion dollars which means that personally your share is over forty thousand dollars there is a law that caps how big that can be in we're about to really hit it bounce the debt ceiling supposedly we may have had it before but that may not have been the real limit and there's a chance they'll find a way to borrow more anyway but the big scary deadline coming up is august second. former chairman of the federal reserve alan greenspan explained that this mean to midnight all of this of. forty cents of every dollar of spending time a been spent where we could default on interest rates it would be. through the international financial system that's the international financial system that's
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a leech on the rest of society however and it wouldn't really be forced to default on the debt because they take in with taxes ten times what is needed to service the debt but this is really about an opportunity to raise taxes and cut benefits last handout slash bailouts subsidies on political enemies and do some grandstanding in order for all this to come together for the exploitation to continue congress has to pass a resolution and the president has to agree to it it's a good thing obama declared the end of the recession otherwise he might be a critic or it if he was going to advocate raising taxes. normally you don't raise taxes a recession which is why we had it and why we instead cut taxes so the last thing you want to do is to raise taxes in the middle of a recession because that would just suck up take more to me about the economy and
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put businesses in a program remember q e two we can see we kind of printed enough money to make it look like we're not such anymore but fortunately the republicans are going to save us right. you do not get the economy growing but having a big tax increase and we're not going to raise taxes in the middle of this horrible economic situation i've made it clear to the president we're not going to raise taxes tax increases are off the table the problem here is both senate minority leader mitch mcconnell and speaker john boehner have approved budgets of deficit spending that have led to the current crisis and the taxing of the poor through inflation to pay for it but let's not make this too complicated let's hear what secretary of the treasury and say can we toward a second if they don't act then we face catastrophic damage to american economy well it sounds very scary but you know what let's turn to the new i.m.f. chief to go abroad christine legarde not the one with
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a history of sexual assault charges the s.k. that is let's get her to weigh in on this if there would be a hike in interest rates stock markets taking a huge hit nasty consequences could be bad news for the u.s. economy. well there's going to be someone domestic. look guards from sick. well it least a rich old nice lookin white dude then we can trust we're going to blow your brains out america you're playing with fire when you don't need to play with fire oh damn well i guess it's all then this is it ladies and gentlemen. welcome to the calendar down to d.-day we're going to get up to alderson's so i can on. the not from the have you should see. this means midnight all of
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a sudden. you are. all right twenty two days until d.-day forget your religious prophets and your numerologists it all ends on august second so stay tuned here for the only show on cable that will tell you how it is so you can watch the worlds go down in flames in style right here on an aversive the man will bring you all the relevant fear mongering as it happens and remember if you don't watch adam vs the man every night t.s.a. agents will sneak into your bedroom and arrest him all right now we've been seeing some interesting back and forth on medical marijuana and on the drug war in general
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from the obama administration and now sadly the net the latest casualty of the drug war may be none other than willie nelson himself facing drug charges in texas originally caught with six ounces of marijuana somehow taken down to three ounces so would it be the distribution or higher level felony charge he had a plea deal set up so that he could plead guilty and pay a fine as long as he stopped by the courthouse to pay a fine because apparently the prosecutor is a fan turns out the judge is a fan too and is refusing this plea by mail kind of deal that he had set up so that maybe the judge can talk to him in person but as sad as it may be that willie nelson may be going to jail for marijuana charges what we're seeing nationally regarding medical marijuana dispensaries from the obama administration is much more worrisome now back in two thousand and nine there was the ogden memo that came out of the justice department saying we are going to deep prioritize going after
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medical marijuana dispensaries operating within the legal statutes afforded within their states we're going to respect the constitution we're going to respect that from the men and we're going to respect states' rights and there was an explosion in especially in colorado and in california some in montana and my home state of new mexico of legal sort. of medical marijuana dispensaries well now there's another member of the cold memo saying that the drug war needs to continue that we need to keep prosecuting people operating medical marijuana dispensary so joining me now a very special guest from an undisclosed location in colorado he's going to go by ben x. for today and as we've been in conversations with him throughout the day about the implications of this new colnago on medical marijuana dispensary side of the country but particularly in colorado we have verified that not only does he is he a cohen or the medical marijuana dispensary in colorado but i had
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a good one that's got all of these things that a lot of variety some some very high scale products and i'm very glad to see that the free market at least we've seen to a small degree open up around medical marijuana is thriving but now under threat ben packs from colorado thank you so much for being with us tonight thank you and i'm going to have man your show and i you know i just want to emphasize for the viewers that you are you are appearing. with your disclosure location i disclose and we are withholding your last name because there is a threat that just by doing what you are doing as a cohen or of this sob in colorado in full accordance with with colorado laws there's a chance that this will be used against you by federal prosecutors now coming after dispensaries how is that working in colorado what it was our business is reacting to the call never. well they're acting very negatively very apprehensive would say
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i think the fill in the community now is in the medical marijuana community is to rally our own individual communities and to reassure and have that issue there on the forefront of our communities that we're not drug cartels my family has been in the neighborhood that we've lived in for over fifty years and i come from a family of entrepreneurs and my family decided to go into this business we're in our neighborhood and we're not cartels holding a k forty seven s. we're here to supply a need or a holistic alternative to any health issue or health problem any patient has with us that has bona fide doctor referral that's within state laws and regulations how long have you been in business proximately we've been in business now for a year ok and that's that's the same for most dispensers in colorado right most of them are very new yes and the specific thing in colorado is that we are for
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profit state we're the only state in the union that has a constitutional amendment regulating specifically guided towards medical marijuana and giving safe access to patients here in this state so a lot of states around the union are looking at colorado and looking at colorado's state legislature for guidance on how they should approach legalization and their states and so how is this crackdown coming i mean this is sort of something that you've been dancing with since it's been legal because at any time a federal prosecutor despite the odds in memo can say let's go after those guys we haven't made our quota this month or whatever if they've pissed me off they've done something wrong they look at me funny we're going to exercise our own subjective discretion here but now with with the quantum of these things it seems like these raids are going to happen a lot more frequently what does it look like what is the federal process for setting down a dispenser. well the federal process i hope i never find out what happened uscis is but maybe call it a process is giving too much too much of
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a compliment and their organizational capabilities yes most definitely there is a lot of bureaucracy in our governments and i doubt their organization is anything and you are sorry but you know i really think that you know how they're going after it it's so different from the two thousand man object memo and you're referring to for not putting any resources department of justice resources into states that have or allow medical marijuana in their states to all of a sudden saying you know what we're going to come in harass and intimidate you whether or not having a total disregard for states' rights and state laws is specifically in colorado it's amended to our constitution amendment twenty protect colorado patients here and i think that's an arrogant move on behalf of the government of justice and the obama administration to stand up against the states and the states citizens and say we don't care and i think that that's very arrogant and a slap in the fates to our state legislature as well so my question is is where is
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the state legislature going to help us ryan said you know you know the federal government wouldn't want the system of money the way it flows from the states from the feds and back to state governments it's really unlikely now you're you're being pretty modest here saying that you're facing intimidation really what you're facing is violent raids confiscation of property and being kidnapped and put in a cage for doing something entirely legal a lot only under the u.s. constitution but under state law and for that i thank you for keeping on the good work and ben x. from colorado thank you so much for being with us tonight thank you so much ed appreciate it i that was bad acts are anonymous grower from an undisclosed location colorado about the threats that his dispensary is facing. front lawn gardens deemed illegal children five hundred for running that lemonade stands in detroit a place dying for jobs as it is food trucks can't enter the market due to government regulation in tennessee tax money to spend raiding poker games at
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private residences and your tax dollars are raiding hard games it's two thousand and eleven and still poker at your home less than a thousand dollars apparently on the table and still get you rated well now we hear that in mcdonald georgia sculptor andy davis has private studio invaded by three clipboard brandishing city bureaucrats and he demanded that the artist obtain a special use permit to create or is own private business the irony of this is he scoffed in a near seven foot bronze sculpture of founding father patrick henry for henry county madonna is the county seat of henry county again the like have been to the t.j. memorial patrick henry shot lasers from his eyes and vaporized the bureaucrats. it's holy peace congress and free expression are at the very heart of the american
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spirit and yet it seems everywhere these things are being stifled when individuals are put into chains of licensing ordinances and taxes for the most simple things that make us american we will cease to be so our politics is local at least personally so let's start there when you when you run into these kinds of unconstitutional city ordinances stand up i will size them because if we value liberty will guard it well enough for ourselves. when we come back we'll have this one sided who can with take deliver oh and of course you the viewer you're watching adam vs the man stating. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions create through it through the pretty maid who can you trust no one who is you know maybe a little bit with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called. when nobody dares to
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ask we give our tea question more. into it only at the military mechanisms to do the work to bring justice or accountability. i have a right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i think taxes . i would characterize obama as a charismatic. of american exceptionalism. welcome back to adam vs the man and now this one time.
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oh i. am so i'm so sick and tired of not having music or the phone for that i had this and she used to carry for you the federal government to have these retarded laws to appear to be to kate use our own recorder and i will record it takes our devil dog well i'm telling you once you've got this week tomorrow i'm going to the marine corps silent drill teams memorial at the memorial at the morial and we're going to videotape it we're going to have music it will all be done legal so next time we do this it's not going to be a stupid stamp without anybody who is sick but what will that increase or decrease the cheese decree of the one time who can segment that's where our viewers really want to know i'm sure you don't want to be with this is plenty of time out of the i think i think our viewers also want to know as promised how to get a day while deployed to afghanistan you want to see this. tape.
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and we'll start with you because the sky is once they come out i just like you meet with all of them very good ok here's your cell take a second think about it get back. to titan. not some rays out of the textbook is that not how you ask a woman on a date i just want to extend an invitation to you. at the marine corps ball well we're all be wary of blues and roll. but well i gave you the side hey buddy you got balls but here's the thing. it worked real it is now going to be go into the ring where we're all in this so-called b.s. because this raise the b.s. flag or double dog because you know what's going to happen she's going to have some sort of rap against him because her p.r. people timberlake in the party i mean if you want to encourage them to be encouraged this girl to go with it after he was kidding around with her isn't the senator that. you miss. what's the new movie friends with by the way
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whatever yeah whether she's friends or to let anybody know does the temporally whatever but we also wanted to talk about members of the military intentionally getting screwed because of all the budget talks going on in d.c. right now we're not talking about military budget in or defense spending we're talking about pensions this is pretty messed up it is only on the table it is messed up and there's two sides about this that i like and i don't like i never like it when soldiers are veterans or not given everything that later problem was their promise right this that's always an offense to me however the nearest pass pete with the military pensions this was set up when you retire after twenty years of service you given your fifty percent your pay right at the get go now that you had to let i mean and it's pretty sweet. and it's kind of outrageous or so which good about this now is that they're going to say oh no perhaps you should. five and
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you can maintain your retirement at that time but you'll get it right away except for the combat ranks like artillery infantry guys who basically when they go to military they can't do much besides be security guards or go to iraq if you pull or sell an old drinker's bullet sponges for blackwater or something yeah well you know what though i mean as much as it hurts to see this go away and you're right to point out that it was a pretty sweet deal twenty years fifty percent for life to go it's what it's all a lot of people would listen if this were that a lot of people yell some silly double dipping taking that and then get another government job but i think the lesson here is we shouldn't depend on the government for anything i mean no if you're only underpaid if your pension or your salary is dependent on a government promise we're going to take this money from someone in the future may be getting what's coming to you this doesn't affect any of our veterans who are already indian pensions. and i don't.
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admiral mike mullen got an earful from china on how much money the federal government pours into defense sand banged chief of the general staff with the people's liberation army. peoples they really get away with calling the bench i don't and he was met with mullen this past week as the to work for a pair military relations between the united states and china following strains of china traced cyber attacks and arms sales to taiwan that our government it china and the united states annually spend ninety five billion dollars and six hundred fifty billion dollars respectively that means it's way bigger numbers the americans and it's well i don't ever want to look out of my
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window and have a read on vision you know parachuting into my neighborhood but the chinese commander here certainly has a point quote i know the u.s. is still recovering from the financial crisis under such circumstances it is still spending a lot of money on its military isn't that placing too much pressure on the taxpayers in a word. yes and they get a lot more of that for their money to the scene the numbers way more thanks way more soldiers but no one should be surprised by the inefficiency of the american government but maybe even in comparison to trying to get the bang for their buck for the military it's a little disappointing and tensions continue to rise between the united states and pakistan with the obama administration now suspending millions of dollars in military aid finally we stopped going to a country foreign aid you know taking money from the poor people in rich countries to give the rich people in poor countries just wish it were those kinds of philosophical reasons the united states is now withholding around eight hundred
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million dollars. partially as punishment for bags and the recent expulsion of u.s. forces in several regions and as a scolding for a perceived slowdown in engaging anti-u.s. militants in the region and it seems like it is making friends all over the world the death of journalist sia this. has further deteriorate united states pakistan relations after mullen made comments using the pakistani government of being involved needless to say their panties are now in a great big one all right and while we're just feeling the love in pakistan and china let's head over to syria which remains a hotbed for political unrest in the middle east with anti-government demonstrations have been continuing for weeks now with some violent repression on the part of the government including entire towns being cleared out earlier today however pro-government protesters and we are waiting to see what's really behind
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these organized events turn their sights on the american and french embassies condemning perceive associations of anti-government sentiments the state department has made clear their support for the right of peaceful demonstration for all syrians after staring government forces of crack down violently in multiple instances with the chaos in syria it's estimated around two thousand people have already died and is in situations like these the united states should tread carefully and by the way drone bombings are not careful among standards. and no you the viewer our first viewer tonight jimmy dean has some advice for the new nation of southern sudan just don't borrow any money from sources who will screw you over once they are done with raping your lands and minerals and labor i.m.f. and company also from facebook candy blais again writes i find anonymous fascinating trying to stop a group like that is similar to taking a bucket of water out of the ocean and claim you can stop the tide they just like fighting terrorism but to dig
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a little deeper are not as we turn to people who writes anonymous is simply the consequence of a totalitarian ideology attempting to hijack the sovereignty of individuals institutions and the world at large with more force coercion and manipulation used against the peoples of earth the stronger wiser and more aware the people of earth become and those in power truly wish to stop anonymous all they need to do is step down and let the world be responsible for itself once again and i had a blast on the show friday discussing neuropsychologist james prescott's paper of body pleasure and the origins of violence and hylas just read the entire thing it's only twenty five pages easy to find by google or on the show's facebook page where ninja chick clancy writes it's crossed my mind that there's a link between lack of physical physical pleasure and tendencies towards violent behavior i mean look at congolese or rice and how dark or countenance an energy fields are she seems like something wretched from tales of the crypt when i look at her and an aging darkness i think quote damn she must not have had an orgasm in decades this has nothing to do with race just her dark countenance ok conny dark in
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wretched sure but crypt keeper. ok i kind of see the resemblance the real question is why does it look like the keepers been having healthier orgasms. the segment also prompted an interesting exchange on you tube creative rights believe in smaller to come up with something unchristian like premarital sex to advocate to reduce violence just advocate normal affection for babies and perhaps early marriage and leave it at that i hate ron paul haters wrote back stuff i wasn't advocating promiscuity simply recognizing that to be able to know another have sex and not be married and then mcphee but keep in mind not all of us are christian and not all of us think that premarital sex is a sin if you are christian and premarital sex isn't your thing then by all means get early get married early have lots of sex if you're not and it is then have lots of sex so that's one thing either way it seems of the message is clear though after sex and like it. and eternal dust seven i had to chime in i don't recall in the
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bible where it advocates against premarital sex adultery yes young fun in the sack not so much if you've never been to young adult church camp wonder if they have and a very keen viewer of ours who is wearing his thinking cap all watching our segment on the t.s.a. and scare tactics of telling people that the terrorists are sowing bombs into their skin now bruce noble writes does anyone really believe that the terrorists who built seem to exist in the us anyway just discovered body cavities this is rather old news women have to stay very and in response to our story about the woman in oak park michigan going to jail for her front yard garden linda bowman writes should be noted that this is happening because someone is awesome enough to fight back otherwise she wouldn't be going to jail and we would never have heard about this but to put in context or beer to the rights it makes sense that things like gardening and capturing rainwater in stores girls are being outlawed these are things that make you more independent since it's easier to rule over people when they depend on you for something independence in any aspect of our lives is seen by
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the state as an obstacle that they need to overcome every tomato that she grows in her garden is one more tomato that the government can't collect taxes on and she doesn't buy it from the store and i called out one hero cop from the new york police department for stopping the brutality of his partner and it was caught on camera and i got some mixed up on you tube the writer was straight by reason and logic we were right watch the full video the good cop is the one going after the camera which tells me his actions were based on the fact that they were being filmed a camera possibly save the guy's life this time but it was blaze an asian for twenty screenname by the way who laid it out hero cop bullshit he told that camera shot to scare off in order to cover up for his bonehead partner police refer to themselves as a brotherhood for a reason they look out for one another so i mistakenly thought it was the bad crowd going after the camera but it was the cop that i thought was the good cop so maybe he was just stopping the beat down his buddy would get intro. well you know if i
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get more details on this case as we are still waiting for the investigation from the u.s. attorneys on this case. we'll have updates on that thursday when we sit down for a follow up with an argument of the d.c. coalition to police the police but until then just know that it's the bad apples of the police force that give the other five percent a bad name but now i have to wonder if there are even though i first set of cops were truly decent and will fight within their departments to have police who are unfit to real the gun and public removed from the force if we even had five percent who gave no ground to misconduct by fellow officers i don't think police brutality would be the problem it is today and finally we have a technical suggestion from publishing called the tubes who writes when. he learns to read with.


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